European Volunteer Centre (CEV) – BELGIUM
Belgium / Europe

The European Volunteer Centre (CEV) is a European network of over 60 organisations dedicated to the promotion of, and support to, volunteers and volunteering in Europe at European, national or regional level.
CEV and its members work together to promote and support volunteering through advocacy, knowledge sharing and capacity building and training. CEV channels the collective priorities and concerns of its members to the institutions of the European Union and the Council of Europe.
Together with other stakeholders CEV exchange policy, practice and information in order to ensure effective and coherent follow up to European Year of Volunteering 2011 and ensure its legacy through the implementation of the Policy Agenda for Volunteering in Europe (PAVE) and the follow-up “Helping Hands – Hope for Europe” report.
CEV’s vision is a Europe in which volunteering is central in building a cohesive society based on solidarity and active citizenship. Their main mission is to contribute to create an enabling political, social and economic environment in Europe where the full potential of volunteering can be realised.